Sisserou Health
Our Vision
The world’s premier source for vitality promoting practices.
Our Mission
Helping to sustain your vitality by sharing our ancestral practices that prolongs well-being.
A Message from our Founder
Good Day,
I want to share some fundamental aspects of my character, and what I bring to all spaces I occupy.
I am from the island Dominica (Also known as Waitukubuli) located in the Caribbean. I am of afro-carib descent, specifically Kalinago (the indigenous peoples of Dominica). We, as a people, believe an individual’s connection to land and nature is key to their well-being. My upbringing engrained the sense of safety and freedom one feels when in nature, because most of my life was spent in the rainforest of Waitukubuli. We Kalinago have always looked to nature as our guiding and moral compass. The intrinsic connection between all things was apparent then, as it is now, so we’ve always strived to maintained harmony within and without.”
I immigrated to the U.S during my pre-teens and like most immigrants, my story was full of identity conflicts that stemmed from the fragmented cultural aspects within. Reaching my point of internal peace required bravery, perseverance, self-exploration, and most critically a healthy community.
The U.S. has been home for the majority of my life. It is also where I first experienced colorism. The journey as a "black" man by far, was the most difficult to heal through. Yet African American culture in its many forms saved me, and is forever part of my cultural identity. Tremendous work has allowed me to heal, and perhaps continue to heal through the identity of a “colored” person. This was no easy feat, but it provided great rewards. For example, how the conflicting identities impacted my ability to reach greater wholeness and actualize my highest aspiration.
I obtain my Master’s at Bastyr University because of the program’s Holistic approach, and it’s blending of eastern and western practices. I believe wholeheartedly in the saying, "There are many paths to the one truth." Furthermore, that self-mastery is the key to obtaining your highest aspirations and potential. This speaks to the saying, “Know thyself.” For me, this means the path of a medicine man.
What does that mean?
I’ve dedicated my life to the study and practice of self-cultivation traditions from around the world, with the purpose of growing SisserouHealth into the premier source of vitality promoting practices. This is my life’s work. I am honored to walk the path of a medicine man with Nature being my greatest teacher.
If you’ve made it to this point then I believe we may be kin. I would love to connect, learn about your needs, aspirations, and how we can build together as a community. Thank you for your time.
Warmest Regards,
Mosiah R Defoe
Honoring our Grand Matriarch Tanti.