• Songwriting Workshop

Whatever it is the way you tell your story make all the difference. It’s a reflection of you.

Step Into The Unknown

Explore and voice your truths even if there’s fear. You have the power to change your reality and it starts with defining, then redefining your story. You got this!!

Reclaim Your Voice

Reclamation is a position of empowerment. Choose how to deliver your story so you too can help guide others in their reclamation journey.

Utilize New Technologies

You are unique. Use these tools to enhance your story. Your ohana. Your community. Your culture. Your roots. The keys are within.

Share it.

It is your duty to uplift your self, your family, your culture, your people and all people. Share your story with the world, and let it permeate in the minds of those needing hope. “ I AM hope..”